Rochefort en Valdaine

3 km from Puygiron, 4 km from la Bâtie-Rolland, 8 km from Réauville, Allan, 10 km from Montélimar, 30 km from Vaison-la-Romaine
Altitude : 230 m
Population: 304

A small haven of peace set between Montélimar and Grignan, on the southern part of La Valdaine, a huge plain through which run the rivers Le Roubion and Le Jabron. It originated in the Middle Ages, when the region's population sought refuge at the foot of the big walls of the tenth-century castle. Nowadays the castle is a superb venue which hosts numerous concerts, exhibitions, festivities and special events.

A voir, à visiter : château (XIIe) partiellement restauré, vestiges de remparts, chapelle Sainte-Blaise (XIIIe) romano-gothique, chapelle Sainte-Agathe (XIXe).
To see, to visit : the partially renovated castle (twelfth century), the remains of the ramparts, the Romano-Gothic chapel Saint-Blaise (thirteenth century), the chapel Sainte-Agathe (nineteenth century).

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